Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Daily Buzz For Mar 5 ☕πŸ“°☕

Gugu Mbatha-Raw for Harper's Bazaar UK - April 2020!
Gugu Mbatha-Raw has said that being mixed race is “interesting” for an actor because you’re “always taking on different identities”.
Speaking to Harper’s Bazaar, she said that having mixed heritage gives “complexity” to your character.
The Oxford-born actress is the daughter of a South African doctor and a British nurse.
She told the magazine: “There is always a complexity about identity that you bring.
 “It’s not a riddle that needs to be solved, it’s a duality that’s part of your nature.

“It’s interesting as an actor because you’re always taking on different identities.”
The Morning Show star also said that her role in the series, in which she plays a character who is the victim of sexual assault, can help create “conversations” on the topic.
“It’s exciting for me to realise that the work can create conversations and help people to look at things differently,” Mbatha-Raw said.
 “Obviously, it’s just TV, it’s not therapy, but I think it could spark a shift in someone.
“Even since that episode, friends I’ve had for a long, long time have been reframing an experience they had in light of it.”
Read the full interview in the April issue of Harper’s Bazaar, which is on sale from March 4.

#RHOA: NeNe Is Reacting to Reports That Kandi Is the Highest-Paid Housewife!
Everybody knows NeNe Leakes likes to cash checks -- but just how much is she cashing??

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star joins the women of LadyGang -- Keltie Knight, Becca Tobin and Jac Vanek -- for the next episode of their hit podcast, and The LadyGang ladies comes in with the hard-hitting questions, straight up asking NeNe if she's the highest-paid Housewife.
"You know, I heard rumors that Kandi [Burruss] was the highest-paid Housewife," NeNe replies. "So, I don’t know. I don't know. We don't know. I think everybody kinda assumes. What I do know is that I like my check. I don't know what whoever's making. I don't really care!"

At the start of the current season of RHOA, Kenya Moore told Wendy Williams she believed Kandi to be the highest-paid Housewife. While exact figures weren't discussed, Kandi said she wasn't exactly a fan of that information being reported.
"When I see those reports that will come out about how much each person makes on the show, I'm like, 'Who's giving them this information?'" she shared at the time. "Like, who's really sending it in to say, 'Oh, this person makes…' I know I'm not telling anybody how much I make!"
"Bravo has treated me well, as well as they treat everybody well on this show," she added. "They take care of us and I'm happy with what they pay me and I'm leaving it at that. I do not care about what everybody else gets paid, so then I don't want them to care what I get paid."
NeNe shares a similar sentiment to her co-star. "When I negotiated my money, I negotiated the money that I wanted," she says. "You can't worry about the next person, 'cause that's gonna mess you up. You know, you're gonna be thinking about how much money she’s making, $2 more than me… If she is higher-paid than I am, she’s not getting much more than me, baby. It may be $5 more, so she can keep it."

"Listen, I'm a real hustler," NeNe notes. "I literally have, I think, 10 jobs. Working on 15. And I always tell people that you have to make sure that you have something else. When one thing goes away, you can grab at that … You gotta have other things!"
NeNe is currently thinking about her future and if it includes Housewives, recently saying she's not sure she'll return to the series after season 12 wraps.
NeNe says "If it was my time to go, I absolutely have no problem with that, because the show has been good to me," NeNe. "I can't say what I would do, what I say is that my entire team and I, every season, we always get together and talk about what's best for me. So, I don't know what we would do, I don't know. But what I do know is that I don't wanna continue to be in a setting where I feel like they're being very malicious towards me."

For more from NeNe -- including who she would want to join her for an all-stars cast of Housewives -- check out the clip above. The full episode of LadyGang with NeNe will debut Tuesday, wherever you listen to podcasts.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta airs Sundays on Bravo.

#Empire: Kills Off [Spoiler] in Last Midseason Premiere!
Via from TVLine Lucious’ dumpster fire of a baby momma’s harebrained gambit to whack Cookie backfired big time in Empire‘s midseason premiere, the first of the Fox drama’s 10 final episodes. As the crack addict was about to pull the trigger, Andre charged in, sending bullets flying every which way but loose. Amid the commotion, Cookie grabbed Lucious’ piece and shot Tracy square in the chest, killing her instantly.

A two-week time jump followed and found an emotionally fraught Cookie unpacking the violent incident with her shrink. Yes, she’s traumatized, but not about killing Tracy. The whole sordid episode reawakened in her a painful chapter from her past in which she shot and killed a man with close ties to her sister Carol. We later learn that Carol has no idea her sis was behind the murder of this beloved guy we’ve never heard of prior to this episode.

On the bright side for Cookie, Lucious finally relented and granted her the divorce she has for months been begging for.
Meanwhile, Andre — who sustained a minor flesh wound in the aforementioned Tracy-centric melee — still can’t get his dead half-brother Kingsley out of his head. If anything, “Kingsley” — incensed by his mother’s death — is more emboldened than ever to drive Andre crazy. To wit, “Kingsley” convinced Andre to brush off his doctor’s strong recommendation that he commit himself to a psychiatric facility for six years months, and later goaded him into assuring wife Teri that his hallucinations were under control.

Elsewhere in Season 6, Episode 11, titled “Can’t Truss ‘Em”:
* The arrival of the first trailer for Birth of an Empire (fka Untitled Lucious Lyon Project) brought MIA Hakeem (who plays a Young Lucious in the pic) briefly back into the fold. Curiously, Hakeem’s biggest moment in the episode — the rekindling of his romance with his now-spoken-for ex Tiana — was communicated to the audience via an awkward mix of exposition and a blink-and-you-missed it flashback.

* Lucious felt an inspirational “jolt” to chart a new post-Empire course after listening to his ex-lover Yana sing. “I think you are so much more than a songwriter,” he cooed. “You should be a recording artist yourself. I can make you a star.” After initially shooting down his pipe dream to make her the next Rhianna, Yana agreed to give music stardom a shot.

* Becky reprimanded one of her Bossy Media underlings for snorting Adderall in the office bathroom in a hilarious scene that abruptly turned dark when, once alone, she phoned her pot dealer and ordered some of the recreational euphoriant for herself. Please tell me the show is not gonna do a Becky drug addiction storyline. Not with only nine episodes left. No one wants to see that.

#MusicNews: Daley Shares Previously Unreleased Video for “The Only One”!
Daley has undoubtedly been one of our favorite singers to emerge since we began this site just over a decade ago. His modern soulful style, heartfelt lyrics, and dynamic vocals have always kept us wanting more.
The singer now returns with a new video for his song “The Only One”. Daley notes that he’s sharing this as a previously unreleased video for the song which appeared on his 2017 sophomore album “The Spectrum”.


The release of this visual also comes with a note from Daley that he’s currently got new music in the works. There are no clues beyond that, but the next body of work will surely be a welcome addition to the previously mentioned “The Spectrum” as well as his debut “Days & Nights”.

Stay tuned as we find out what’s next from Daley this year.

#HipHopNews: Carl Crawford Blames JAY-Z & Roc Nation For Megan Thee Stallion's Contract Madness!
1501 Certified Entertainment CEO Carl Crawford was apparently blindsided by Megan Thee Stallion claims the label was holding her music hostage after she attempted to renegotiate her contract.
On Monday (March 2), a Texas federal judge granted Meg a temporary restraining order against both Crawford and 1501 ordering they “do nothing to prevent the release, distribution, and sale of [Megan] Pete’s new records.”

In a new interview with Billboard, Crawford admitted he didn’t think she was serious.
“She just has so many holes in her story, and it’s almost on some delusional type stuff,” he said. “The bubble of Hollywood and her eight million followers has really clouded her head, because the stuff that she’s saying is not true. It’s a whole lie. Nothing is true that she said. Me being greedy and taking money from her, that’s crazy. I never tried to take nothing from her. The only thing we ever did was give, give, give. Now, she fell for the oldest trick in the industry: the conquer and divide theme.”

Crawford, a former Major League Baseball star with the Los Angeles Dodgers, went on to blast JAY-Z and Roc Nation, essentially blaming them for Megan’s unhappiness.
“Everybody in the industry knows this is what JAY-Z and Roc Nation do: They come in, find the smallest things wrong with the problem — because there weren’t any problems before she left — and then she says that I didn’t want to negotiate?” he continued. “OK, tell everybody your definition of negotiating. Your definition is, ‘OK. I’m going to send Suge Knight’s old lawyers to come in, and it’s a stick-up…’ Of course, I’m like, ‘This isn’t a negotiation. This is a robbery.'”

Finally, Crawford explained he feels they’re simply trying to make him look like a bad guy, even though his business partner T. Farris wrote Megan’s contract.
“They want to make it look like I’m greedy? No, they’re trying to keep me out of everything. She keeps saying, ‘Them niggas over there negotiated my contract.’ Them niggas are sitting right next to her. T. Farris is the one. Her mom did the contract. I’m new to the business. I let this guy T. Farris run my whole business because I knew absolutely nothing about it. Zero.
“So he wrote your contract up. I didn’t do it. They want to make a big deal about it. We signed a deal. Honor your contract and let’s just keep doing business how we been doing and everything is fine. Nobody is trying to rob you.”

Clearly, Megan feels otherwise. But thanks to the judge’s ruling, she’ll be able to release new music on Friday (March 6) as planned.

Mike Bloomberg Suspends Presidential Campaign, Endorses Joe Biden!
Michael Bloomberg ended his presidential campaign on Wednesday and endorsed Joe Biden, closing out a costly run that saw the former New York mayor spend hundreds of millions of his own money to fund his late entry bid.
Bloomberg exits the race the day after a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday that left him with only a single victory: American Samoa.
"I've always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday's vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden," he wrote in a press release.

One thing set Bloomberg apart from the rest of the Democratic field: Money. The billionaire spent millions on television and digital ads to propel his campaign and quickly built a staff of more than 2,400 people by offering top dollar to a range of political operatives. The full extent of Bloomberg's spending likely won't be fully known for weeks.
Bloomberg's campaign, based on its level of spending and support, was banking on strong showings in Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee and parts of Texas, according to aides. But it was clear by the end of the night on Tuesday that the support they believed they had did not materialize.
Bloomberg's decision to get out now is a boon for former Vice President Joe Biden, who was appealing to a similar range of moderate voters.

It comes shortly after Biden received the endorsements of former South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, both of whom ended their campaigns and quickly backed Biden, in attempts to start coalescing moderates behind one candidate.
The coalescing was a significant blow to Bloomberg because it undermined a central argument to his campaign -- that there is no strong moderate candidate that the party can coalesce around to take on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
The former New York mayor's decision to get out now is also an acknowledgement that his focus on Super Tuesday, as opposed to any of the early states, failed to work. Even with hundreds of millions spent to propel his campaign, Bloomberg was not able to overcome the operation and organization of Biden and Sanders.

Super Tuesday Made Joe Biden the Comeback Kid!
WASHINGTON ― Former Vice President Joe Biden barely campaigned in Super Tuesday states. He was outspent by tens of millions of dollars and had little to no staff on the ground to reach voters with his message about “restoring the soul of America.”

It didn’t matter. Biden romped to victory across the country on Tuesday, a stunning result for a campaign that looked terminal just a few weeks ago after disappointing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Buoyed by his blowout victory in South Carolina over the weekend and a slew of Democratic Party endorsements that followed, Biden carried the Southern states of Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Alabama. He won in Massachusetts, the home state of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, where he didn’t campaign at all. And he won in Minnesota, a state carried by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in 2016, where he also made no appearances.

It’s an incredibly rapid change of fortune that few saw coming last week.
“I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a 48-hour voter swing like this in my 35 years on this earth,” Alex Goldstein, who worked as a spokesman for Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, tweeted after Biden scored a surprise win in the state’s primary.
Biden’s biggest coup of the night may have been co-opting Sanders’s core argument in the race for the Democratic nomination: that he can attract new voters, grow the electorate and build a multiracial coalition that can defeat President Donald Trump. Across the U.S. on Tuesday, Biden performed well in swing district suburban communities, like in Northern Virginia and Minnesota’s Twin Cities area, which helped Democrats capture the House in 2018. He also did well with white working-class voters in the South and college-educated white voters in the North. But if Biden ends up winning the nomination, it’ll be largely thanks to Black voters, who helped resuscitate his struggling campaign.

Increased voter participation also boosted Biden’s case on Tuesday. As in South Carolina, Virginia experienced a large increase in voter turnout. Nearly twice as many Virginians came out to the polls this year compared to the 2016 Democratic primary. Biden pointed to his double-digit victory there as evidence that he ― and not his rivals ― was growing the electorate.

“People are talking about a revolution; we started a movement,” a jubilant Biden said at an event in Los Angeles, noting the increased turnout and taking a subtle jab at Sanders and his promise to overhaul the nation’s political system.
Though he won in his home state of Vermont and in Utah, Colorado and California, the biggest prize of the night, Sanders underperformed relative to expectations. Some polls showed him winning or in a competitive position in Massachusetts, North Carolina, Texas, and Oklahoma, but Biden carried all four, and he committed few if any resources in doing so.
As early as last week, before Biden’s South Carolina victory, there was talk of the Vermont senator potentially collecting enough delegates by the middle of March that no one else could catch up with him in the race for the nomination. Now a similar conversation will likely take place about Biden’s campaign.

“This is one of the greatest comebacks ― one of the greatest political comebacks ― in modern American political history,” Biden senior adviser Kate Bedingfield said in an interview on CNN.
The biggest remaining question of the night is how big Sanders’s delegate lead ends up being in California, which is famous for its slow counting. With 494 delegates up for grabs, the state has the potential to reshape the race once more. Sanders is projected to do very well there, thanks in large part to young voters and Latinos. But Warren and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who failed to win a single state primary despite pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the race, could play spoiler for Sanders in California, allowing Biden to net some delegates there as well.

Learning the final outcome in the California presidential primary could take weeks, however, meaning the fierce battle for delegates between Biden and Sanders will only heat up during the next round of state primaries next week.
“We expect that the shelf-life of conventional wisdom tonight will be very short,” Sanders communications director Mike Casca said Tuesday, pushing back on the notion that Biden’s success on Tuesday will be a game-changer.

But the race only gets harder for Sanders from here. Coming primaries include Michigan, where he is expected to do well, but also states like Mississippi, Missouri, Georgia, and Florida, where he struggled in 2016 and is currently trailing in the polls.

Spike Lee Tells the NY Knicks: ‘I’m Done’!
Spike Lee, one of the Knicks' most iconic fans, got into a disagreement with Madison Square Garden officials over which elevator he could use
A video circulated online during the game showing Lee getting frustrated and yelling at Garden security outside an elevator
A Knicks spokesman said the director had used the wrong entrance; Lee said he had been using the employee entrance on 33rd Street for more than two decades as a season-ticket holder
Spike Lee still has his courtside seat, though the New York Knicks had to tell their superfan to find another way to get there.

Lee said he won't be sitting there the rest of this season, anyway. The Oscar-winning writer-director told ESPN Tuesday he wouldn't be attending another Knicks home game this season after a disagreement with Madison Square Garden officials a night earlier over which elevator he could use.
 “I’m done for the season. I’m done,” Lee said on the program “First Take” while wearing a Knicks hat.
A video circulated online during New York's 125-123 victory over Houston on Monday showing Lee getting frustrated and yelling at Garden security outside an elevator, leading to confusion that he may have been thrown out of the building.
However, a Knicks spokesman said that was untrue and that it was simply an issue of Lee using the wrong entrance.

"It's disappointing that Spike would create this false controversy to perpetuate drama," the team said in a statement. "He is welcome to come to The Garden anytime via the VIP or general entrance; just not through our employee entrance, which is what he and Jim agreed to last night when they shook hands."

Lee said he had has been using the employee entrance on 33rd Street for more than two decades as a season ticket holder. The Knicks wanted him to use the entrance for celebrities, which is two blocks away.
But Lee said he had already had his ticket scanned so he refused to leave, fearing that he wouldn't be allowed back in. He said he told security to “arrest me like my brother Charles Oakley” — a reference to the former Knicks forward's ejection from a game and ensuing arrest in 2017.

A judge dismissed Oakley's lawsuit against executive chairman James Dolan and Madison Square Garden last month. He said the incident with Lee, whom he has known since his time as a player in New York, was another bad scene for NBA fans.
"Spike means a lot to New York. All the boroughs. He's a game changer for black movies, black superstars. He gave a lot of people chances to better themselves. This wasn't fair," Oakley told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "You're cheating the people of New York when you do something like that to a New York native. I know he was born in Georgia but he's been here long enough."
Lee said he was not told when the elevator policy changed, adding that he used the employee entrance just last week for another event.

“They never said when the thing changed, so why not call me?” Lee said. “When my deposit’s due, this astronomical price for Knicks tickets and I’m one day late, my phone is ringing off the hook.”
Lee has long been one of the Knicks' most visible and demonstrative fans. He spoke to MSG executive chairman James Dolan at halftime Monday and was still in his sideline seat in the fourth quarter.
The Knicks said Lee and Dolan had resolved the issue at halftime, though Lee disputed that.

“I’m being harassed by James Dolan and I don’t know why,” he said.

Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair to ‘Go to Hell’ on Fox News Over ‘Rigged’ Primary Comment!
Former interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile clapped back at Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel Tuesday, responding to her comment about the Democratic primary being “rigged” against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

In fact, Brazile told McDaniel to “go to hell.” Earlier on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom,” McDaniel discussed the ongoing Super Tuesday voting and what the evening’s vote tallies will mean for remaining campaigns: “It does depend on how big a lead that Sanders takes out of California is, if he picks up a huge proportion of delegates. I don’t see anybody getting out soon and it’s leading towards, potentially, a brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those superdelegates have their way on that second vote.”
“First of all, I want to talk to my Republicans. First of all, stay the hell out of our race,” she said after co-hosts Ed Henry and Sandra Smith rolled the clip of McDaniel’s comments. “I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to the Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process.”
After she lambasted the GOP for, in her estimation, not having its own primary process, she concluded, “Ronna, go to hell!”

Henry audibly said, “Whoa,” so Brazile doubled down: “No, go to hell! I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not trying to prevent anyone from becoming the nominee. If you have the delegates and win, you will win.”
Her comments came one day after Sen. Amy Klobuchar dropped out of the Democratic race and endorsed former vice president Joe Biden, just as former Democratic candidates Pete Buttigieg and Beto O’Rourke did.

On NBC’s “Today” Tuesday morning, Klobuchar denied that the coalition of former candidates behind Biden was an attempt to quash Sanders’ progressive campaign.

#HotorNot? Lupita Nyong'o Rocks Blue Lipstick For Louis Vuitton Show in Paris!
Lupita Nyong’o made a big statement with her fashion look at the Louis Vuitton show held at the Louvre Museum as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2020/2021 on March 03, 2020 in France.

The 37-year-old actress wore a bold blue lip color, adding to her amazing box braids pulled up into a top knot.
Hmmmmm, So is it HOT or NOT?

Billy Porter Says He Will Play A “Genderless” Fairy Godmother In The Upcoming “Cinderella” Remake!
And the category is LOVE, as Billy Porter signs on as the newest Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. But, Porter says he will portray the Godmother as “genderless.”
The highly-anticipated Cinderella is set to premiere in 2021, and Porter has been granted the opportunity to portray Cinderella’s supportive Godmother, who helps her get ready for the ball. With Porter becoming what may be the first-ever man Godmother, he’s calling the adaptation “a classic fairytale for a new generation.”

With an Emmy, Grammy, and Tony under his belt, there’s no doubt Porter will put on a magical performance. In an interview with CBS News on Monday, the actor said it just came to him that he is changing history with his role. “It hit me when I was on the set last week, how profound it is that I am playing the Fairy Godmother – they call it the Fab G. Magic has no gender.”
“We are presenting this character as genderless – at least that’s how I’m playing it. And it’s really powerful. I think the new generation is really ready. The kids are ready. It’s the grownups that are slowing stuff down,” he said.

Porter has already broken the mold as the first openly gay male to win an Emmy for a leading role. He says he just tries to focus his craft. “I’m an artist. When you’re inside of something, as an artist, the outside stuff… has to fall away. Because if you think about it too much, it’s really heady,” said Porter. Porter won his Emmy for his role as Pray Tell on “Pose,” which he says is an image he wishes he could have seen as a child. “I represent something that I, as a young man, never had. That’s the greatest news. That’s where I have to leave it, though, so that I can continue to do the work.”

Usher Will Be A Judge on a New Quibi Dance Show Called ‘The Sauce’!
Usher is lending his dance expertise to a new series on Quibi.

The Grammy-winning singer will be a judge on the upcoming dance competition series The Sauce, which will be available on streaming service Quibi when it launches in April, according to Deadline.
“Dance continues to drive much of our popular culture in increasingly more meaningful ways, and I can’t wait to help these young dancers express their extraordinary talent and vision,” Usher said.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

“I’m excited to be working with Quibi and The Front, who share my vision for cutting-edge, culture-forward content and have created an innovative platform to recognize incredibly gifted dancers from across the nation,” he added.
The series will be hosted by dancing brothers Ayo and Teo, who went viral in 2016 for their moves that got them an invite by Usher to be in his music video for ‘No Limit.’

The brothers will travel across the U.S. to find the best talent to compete on the show.

Camila Cabello Shares 'First Internet Nude' Ahead of 23rd Birthday!
Camila Cabello at KIIS-FM iHeartRadio Jingle Ball Show at The Forum in Los Angeles on Dec. 6, 2019.
Camila Cabello is turning 23 years old on Tuesday (March 3), and the songstress stripped down to her birthday suit on Instagram--but not in the way you might think.

Cabello shared an adorable baby photo of herself, wearing nothing but a blanket wrapped around her head. "I’m 23 in a few hours so I’m posting my first internet nude," she joked in the caption.
Cabello will likely be spending her birthday as a Disney princess in the magical English countryside, where she's been preparing for and filming her lead role in the upcoming Cinderella movie.

Kim Kardashian Downplays North West Music Scandal!
Last night kid rapper ZaZa accused North West of stealing her flow during North's debut rap performance at the Yeezy Season 8 Paris Fashion show
After getting called out, Kim Kardashian claims North was just paying homage with a remix...
First Kim showed up in ZaZa's comment section saying how much North loves her and that it was a spur of the moment performance and a complete surprise.
Then she referred to North's song as a 'remix' of ZaZa's song while tagging a ZaZa fan page instead of actually tagging ZaZa.

Meghan Markle will reportedly attend Met Gala!
She’s going from Megxit to the Met. Meghan Markle has chosen the Big Apple for the attention-grabbing debut of her royal-free life — by attending this year’s Met Gala, according to a report Sunday.
Markle, 38, has been invited to rub shoulders with the big names who flock to the annual fashion bash alongside British Vogue editor-in-chief Edward Enninful, according to the Sun.
The Duchess of Sussex is planning to leave hubby Prince Harry at home for what the Sun says will be the “first Hollywood appearance” of her post-Megxit life, which officially starts on April 1.

Markle — who famously guest-edited Enninful’s mag last year — is said to be planning a “glamorous androgynous” look for the May 4 themed event based on Virginia Woolf’s “Orlando,” the Sun said.
“The Met Gala is for the Who’s Who of show business. Naturally, Meghan was one of the first names on the guest list, and Edward’s team are excited that the two will go together,” a source told the paper.
“Meghan is keen to step out occasionally without Harry so that she can establish herself once more in Hollywood.”
The report comes as Markle is also said to be trying to line up roles in a blockbuster superhero flick.

Buckingham Palace did not respond to requests for comment, the Daily Mail said.

Miss Staten Island Banned From St.Patrick’s Day Parade After Coming Out As Bisexual!
A pageant queen says she was banned from Staten Island’s St.Patrick Day parade hours after she came out as bisexual during the weekend.
According to CBS News, Madison L’Insalata came out as bisexual and said the parade’s organizers banned her from participating in the parade. Before Sunday’s parade, organizer Larry Cummings called the director of Miss Staten Island Scholarship Pageants Jim Smith to inform him of the committee’s decision.

‘I was stunned by the whole thing. I wasn’t prepared. He just said we’re worried about her safety like he’s doing us a favor,”
She said she had to watch the parade from the sidelines and wore a rainbow scarf with a pride button.
“I am proud of Staten Island and I am proud of the title that I have because I know that myself and all the other girls involved do a lot of really great things for our community. So it’s a shame that this really great community event, we ended up not being allowed to be a part of.”

The committee recently received criticism for banning the Pride Center of Staten Island from participating in the parade.
“I knew that people would talk about it, and that’s all I wanted. Because the more people that know about it, the more likely it is to change,”

L’Insalata added that her shocking appearance at the parade as caused some positive feedback and hopes it will teach inclusivity and diversity.

Oh so sick bro. Do me a favor and prove it up against one of those cement poles.

EGGPLANT NATION: Meet Mr Sensation
Meet Sensation! You can see more when GO HERE TO SEE THE PICS! And remember they’re NSFW!

DISCLAIMER: WE DO NOT OWN any images posted on this blog. All images are found online or submitted.



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